
  1. widzu95

    2koth_mcrela2kothtest_a1 a1

    Test of 2KOTH map. Uses Sono's 2KOTH Prefab modified by me.
  2. Gismo Gaming

    72hr Jam 2024 Ice Base A3 - Super Science Stuff

    A 2Koth map featuring an extreme height difference between the two points and a jumpad for quick access to the top. Uses @Sonoma 2Koth prefab (link) and @KrazyZark Snow Covered prop pack (link) Made for TF2M's 2024 72-hour jam!
  3. Cass

    Medieval Rockefeller a1

    2koth map for Katsu's Ye Olde Conteste Credits: Frontline @Sono's 2koth prefab @Sprinkles' melee vscript @Cin's pride signs
  4. Lovi_Gato55

    Saplings a1

    Saplings is a Koth map with 2 points, either team needs to take control over the 2 points for their timer to go down. hope you can give me some feedback. assets used: Frontline assets Construction assets Log Bench by Acumen Douglas Fir Trees and Scotts Pine Tree Pack by Stiffy Giant Sequoia...
  5. Sonoma

    Sono's 2KOTH Prefab v3a

    My take on the 2-KOTH game mode, you must capture and hold both control points for 1:30 minutes to win the game. ================================================================= Notes: Your team's timer only starts counting down if you own both control points, to stop the enemy's clock you...
  6. zythe_

    Graveyard a3

    [some screeshots may be outdated] Graveyard is a koth halloween map with a special gimmick: Theres 2 controll points, one in the main map and one in the underworld! Owning both hills speeds up the timer! The underworld is accessable 24/7 after A is captured.
  7. Etasus

    2 Control points questions

    I have 2 questions... and both pertain to the map type that I have no idea what its called, but I'm calling it 2koth... Question 1: How can I make it so that the first time a point is capped, it will do something completely different than any other time it is capped? (answered, untested)...