Physics simulation ported to a prop sequence?


Jul 31, 2009
Exporting a vertex animation will add needed boness automatically. It won't do the worlds best job but it will work, unless you hit the max bones, in which case you will need to split it up into multiple meshes or skin it manually


Aug 14, 2009
I was originally going to do vertex animation for the ramp on snowycoast in the finale (where it splits apart and waggles and all that), but I had a lot of problems getting it to work correctly. Ended up rigging it manually with standard bones & skinning. I don't remember exactly what the problem was, but creating morph targets for vertex animation on things like hats & beards is actually pretty easy.

Is it even possible to trigger a vertex animation from within Hammer? You'd need to be able to do that first and foremost.


Aug 14, 2009
For vertex animations, you have to use FBX, not the SMD from Wallworm. It compiles fine with the workshop tools inside TF2. I haven't tried it manually but since GUIStudio would compile with the same exe, it should work. You'd have to experiment with it I'm sure.

But first, go in Hammer, make a dynamic prop with one of the classes, and try to trigger a face animation (vertex animation) via inputs. You have to be able to get that working first, and I don't know how you would do that part.

(Edit: Someone correct me if I'm wrong, I'm only part way through my morning coffee)
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Jul 31, 2009
If you just compile using wallworm as a sequence with the correct time range, it should just make the bones for you. I might not do a great job though. This will export or as a normal sequnce that you can trigger with setanimarion on prop dynamic

I know this works, I've done it recently. I didn't need anything special it was the same export as normal. Let me know if you still have trouble I can make a video of how I do it or something.