Crashing on running TF2

[Soap] SteelCroix

L1: Registered
Apr 2, 2017
When I run tf2 on my map it plays like normal at shows the welcome sign and all, but an error happens where idk if this means anything but my mouse gets delayed and then it crashes, No leaks happen and the only errors
findportalside: couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal and
can't load skybox file skybox/sky_well_01 to build the default cubemap! which mind you never effected my ability to play the map. This change has only happend when I changed the maps textures to be jungle themed and changed the name. Idk what to do now.

Ps. Fastvis is on becuase my PC is being shipped from my old house. (Using really crappy one)


master of fast travel
Jun 27, 2016
iirc the skybox one you can ignore for a while, however the other one that is dealing with what it is calling a portal, I'm assuming you have areaportals in your map correct? if so ok, Area portals, rather simple once you wrap your head around it, basically a area portal must be part of a sealed room, aka having func_detail as one of the walls will cause the map to leak because the area portal isnt sealed off correctly.
Heres a good video explaining it much better then I can if you have area portals in your problem:

If you dont have areaportals, ignore most of what I said above and make sure you are using to better decode compile logs and have a more detailed way of what has gone wrong. Makes sense? ok.

[Soap] SteelCroix

L1: Registered
Apr 2, 2017
Kay was not using areaportals but i copy and pasted my map off the old map it was on. (That fixed it for some reason)


Sep 23, 2011
Areaportals are not the same as bsp portals, which are different from the portals of the portal series. Clear as mud, right?