If I decompile my own map, is there something i should expect to be different?

Feb 17, 2009
Yes. It will be different. The map can't be fully decompiled (like some entities... triggers, area portals etc).


Nov 25, 2008
Areaportals break somehow I remember - not sure if they just reappear as brushes with the areaportal texture or whether they disappear totally


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 26, 2008
Q. What are VMEX's limitations?

  1. It can't (as of v0.98) tie areaportal brushes to their corresponding func_areaportal or func_areaportalwindow entities. This isn't too high priority, since you can tell usually tell what is an areaportal from it's texture, but it should be fixable.
  2. It can't recover any editor-specific information such as visgroups. Hammer's default visgroups work for some things, and VMEX places certain brushes (clip and hint brushes) in a visgroup so they can be turned off easily.
  3. It can't precisely recover to size and position of brushes. Rounding errors during the compiling/decompiling process may lead to tiny differences in position, which cause leaks and other problems if trying to recompile a decompiled map.
  4. All detail brushes are recreated individually (rather than many brushes being tied to one func_detail, as is more realistic). Unfortunately there is no grouping information retained in the BSP, so this is the best VMEX can do.
  5. Currently, info_overlay entities are only tied to their correct brush faces when decompiling in brush mode (-m3). Also, occasionally a decompiled overlay may be incorrectly oriented (flipped or mirrored).


L666: ])oo]v[
Jul 22, 2009
Area portals appear as solid area portals, not entities ( Area Portal visgroup, not Areaportals ). The Areaportals visgroup is here too but there's nothing in it so I assume the entities are simply not tied to brush anymore.
Another change is that all my nodraw textured surfaces are now playerclip textured.
Entities seem to be fine at first glance. Can't really tell until I compile and test the thing.
Also, every entity has a hammerid property.
edit: my occluders have lost their solids too. and an areaportal in water was textured with water texture.
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