A quite mad Leak


L1: Registered
Jan 30, 2010
so i've almost finished off my Spawn room for my Swampy map, Koth_Banjo, i decided i should have a look on things in game and once i was in many of my overlays disappeared! so i went back and used this loadpoint tool that was mention in a tutorial to see if i had any problems, and low and behold i did have one, a leak i think, however i simply can't understand how it's possible.



erm, perhaps a solution?

thanks for you time

Bad Vlad

L2: Junior Member
May 23, 2010
That brush might be

-An invalid solid that got warped during the compile. Take a look at it in-game and see if it's the same shape as in Hammer. If not, delete that brush and use a more orthodox shape.
-An entity or detail. Double click on it in "Group" or "Object" selection mode (in other words, don't have ignore groups active) and see if it really is a world brush.


Jul 31, 2009
It doesn't look like you're sticking to the grid - that always helps when making maps to stop issues like this.

Also, after you've compiled your map go Map > Load pointfile and the red line should go through your illusive hole.


L1: Registered
Jan 30, 2010
oh dear, i've heard of this before, sticking to the grid, not sure what it means but i guess it's a big one, right, i've checked the problem with interlopers, yep there's leaks, i just don't know where,

"entity prop_static (652.00 -571.00 370.00) leaked!"

among other problems, how could a prop leak something? i'll look through the map again, it's only the spawn room, to check for any leaks, but please iterate on this gird sticking if you be so kind. :facepalm:

also, i think it's an invalid solid too, i'll re make it again and see what happens.


L2: Junior Member
Nov 1, 2009
I think the prop's origin is outside the sealed map causing the leak, to fix this just move the prop until the center of it is within the maps boundaries.


L1: Registered
Jan 30, 2010
So i've found some sneaky holes here and there, and then checked the pointfile again, this came up


I think the prop's origin is outside the sealed map causing the leak, to fix this just move the prop until the center of it is within the maps boundaries.

is this outside the boundaries? do i need to place a sky box outside the spawn for it to work?

thanks very much for all your help


L2: Junior Member
Nov 1, 2009
it appears to be so...
if a player is supposed to be capable of seeing that area of the map then you could seal it with a few skybox brushes, if not then there is no need for those props and you should remove them.


L1: Registered
Jan 30, 2010
well i've placed my spawn house in the middle of a bunch of skybox brushes, and still while in game the overlays won't appear, and interlopers seems to think everything's fine and dandy now only showing some error with the name of the sky in the map properties part.

maybe i should remove them and continue to the point of finally blocking out the map, i'm only doing details anyway on the spawn for i believe it's the one place in the map that would change after playtesting, or at least i hope it won't.

thanks for all the help. :)


arhh, i take it this isn't good?


the colour is that of the skybox, i assume this is the result of the leak now that i've got a skybox in?
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Bad Vlad

L2: Junior Member
May 23, 2010
well i've placed my spawn house in the middle of a bunch of skybox brushes, and still while in game the overlays won't appear, and interlopers seems to think everything's fine and dandy now only showing some error with the name of the sky in the map properties part.

Don't mind that error, everyone gets it and it doesn't cause anything bad.

About snapping to the grid, by 'grid' they mean the grid in Hammer's 2D view. If you've unticked the option to snap to the grid, you edit per unit instead of by the grid (that can be made larger or smaller by powers of 2). Usually you make the shape of a room by a 16x16 grid scale.

Your leak there is caused by the prop being outside your map. Props are entities, and you can have only world brushes within 'view' of the outside void.

I don't know what the hell's going on in that last screenshot. Restart hammer.