Di Gorgonzola's Limbo of the lost [OPEN] [ALPHA]


Former cheese man Gorgonzola
Feb 18, 2012
As a late Smissmas gift, I decided to orphan some of my older maps, both released and unreleased. They are all OPEN and (mostly) ALPHA.

If you decide pick up any of those, I would appriciate if you would give partial credit.

////////////////////////// time 4 the maps //////////////////////////////////

Download (contains VMF and BSP)

Only half the map is done, but since it's a mirrored map it shouldn't be any problem. Never released and tested in the public.

Contains props from the construction pack, so you might want to install that one.

Second map I ever made. Was before I really understood WTF 5cp is. I somehow misunderstood some advice on travelling times on 5cp maps, and thought a 30 sec was a ok travelling time for the scout's initial rollout. Ops.
In short, there's way too much space between the points, but it still contains some fun geometry.

Download (only VMF)

First released map. Was a complete disaster. Had around 2 yards between the spawn and the control point. The lower flanks flanked the entire map, the point itself was flat and unoriginal, the routes way too spread out and walking distance was too long.

Now contains the original version (a5), a "fixed" version (a6) and a midpoint redesign.


Download (VMF only)

Incomplete. Instance included. Never released and tested in public.

Not really that bad of a map I think, but a bit cramped (especially the back area). Still contains some fun geometry and a deathpit. I also tried to incoporate the spawn itself into the gameplay, instead of it being a lonely room hidden away in a corner. Was originally going to have it situated on Møns Klint.


Download (2 VMFs and BSPs)

The a1 version included is currently a bit broken (capturing C doesn't result in an instant win). Also includes a partial detailed version.

Since the theme for that year's 72hr contest was "prep up", the original idea for this map was a mix of steel and gravelpit. C could be captured at any time, and would result in an instant win. Capturing the other points would open up flank routes and holding spots for BLU.
While this might sound interesting, nobody realised this concept at all, and labeled the map broken. It was also a complete spamfest, and the connectors had some of the worst geometry ever.

CTF_Redplanet aka CTF_Mars

Download (several VMFs and BSPs)

Lightly detailed and contains an extra dev version with an additional entrance to the lobby before the capturezone.

Contains a globe from the bulletcrops pack and some Hi-res worldmap textures (which can be found in the downloads section).

The star of the show and only good map on this list. Was pretty much a prototype for "Invadectfkoth". Had some flaws, but played ok. Got a bucketload of feedback for this one in the contest thread and on feedback site. I consider CTF_Redplanet to be done and CTF_felgen to be the successor.
FYI the entity setup included is quite a mess.
Since it's already spacethemed, it's an excellent candidate if you want to practise "moonbase detailing".

Various map files
Download (several VMFs)

Just a bunch of smaller files for different maps, often very incomplete.
Following files is found within the boundaries of the ZIP-file:

- cp_arabia (2nd point design. It was supposed to be a 5cp map using the Market Assets)

- cp_shipwreck (Pretty decent 1st point design for an A/D cp map for the fabled Pacific pack project. Uses assets from the Borneo theme pack)

- mvm_trainwreck (Had no idea what mvm was when i made this)
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Former cheese man Gorgonzola
Feb 18, 2012
Even more maps incoming!

Updated the koth_mlj_72 zipfolder, so it contains some earlier versions of the map and a midpoint design. The arena_waterside zipfolder now has the missing instance. Several other files has subsequently been added and can be found in the Various zip_folder.


Former cheese man Gorgonzola
Feb 18, 2012
Cp_arabia might have just got itself a new owner. (Me)
I'm pretty excited that somebody (you) specifically adopted cp_arabia, since I thought it was one of the maps people would have the least interest in.
It's going to be interesting seeing how much your version of the map is going to differ from my original vision (assuming you will ever release a new version of arabia).
Apr 14, 2013
I looked through it a bit more and I must ask: what cp is it intended to be? There are like 5 flank routes, from all directions, and I can't quite figure out what it was planned as.
I'd be happy to know what was your plan for that area, to, you know, get some general idea of what it is, and how it is planned to work out.

The only explanation I can think of is that one of the sides are for red



Here's my plan:

EDIT: I meant RED comes from doors, and BLU attacks from the right side paths... so wrong colors
The area is much bigger, some things have changed and there are much less flanks.

There are also some weird triggers that do something to the player (not sure what)
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Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
I looked through it a bit more and I must ask: what cp is it intended to be? There are like 5 flank routes, from all directions, and I can't quite figure out what it was planned as.

- cp_arabia (2nd point design. It was supposed to be a 5cp map using the Market Assets)

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Former cheese man Gorgonzola
Feb 18, 2012
Here's my plan:

EDIT: I meant RED comes from doors, and BLU attacks from the right side paths... so wrong colors
The area is much bigger, some things have changed and there are much less flanks.

That's exactly how I initially planned out the map, route-wise, with the defending team coming from the shutterdoors (and that small brush you labeled 3), and the attacking team coming from the opposite site.

There are also some weird triggers that do something to the player (not sure what)

I'm assuming you're talking about the trigger_multple randomly placed outside of the shutterdoors? It's simply a trigger copied from Helltower (the one that triggers the scream). I initially planned on making that drop next to the point a deathpit, so I copied in a test trigger for later use.


Former cheese man Gorgonzola
Feb 18, 2012
Finally fixed the broken downloads. Some files may be missing, such as arena_waterside's instance .vmf and the mvm_trainwreck vmf.