VTF problems

Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
Cannonfodder's compiler? I'm just using the default one with Hammer Editor whenever I Run Map.
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L9: Fashionable Member
Aug 17, 2008
OK, I'm just trying to cover everything. have you tried running the map without those custom textures in it at all?

Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
I have just tried that, it did not work. I replaced the custom ones with standard brown rock textures yet the test map still shows up with an older version with place-holding grey texture.


L9: Fashionable Member
Aug 17, 2008
I have just tried that, it did not work. I replaced the custom ones with standard brown rock textures yet the test map still shows up with an older version with place-holding grey texture.

does it still give you that bracket error?


L9: Fashionable Member
Aug 17, 2008
Yes. I PrtScr quickly just in case you want to see it. It's just a picture and all but whatever I can do to help you help me.

I believe you. I guess the only thing left you can do is upload the vmf (but replace any custom content)

Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
OK, I'll save a copy without the custom textures.

But I never uploaded anything to TF2map.net and not entirely sure best way to do it.
(Especially a bit embarrassed that it's not ready for open testing yet and want my first map upload to leave good impression.)


L9: Fashionable Member
Aug 17, 2008
This doesn't count as an impression. Your first impression will be in the map workshop area.

Also, I use dropbox for temporary stuff, myself, putting stuff in a zip file. Otherwise you can do the same but put it into the downloads section. I really think you'll be fine.

Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
I don't have dropbox, as for Download section I can do. Do I simply put the vmf in an upload? What about the vmx?


L9: Fashionable Member
Aug 17, 2008
I don't have dropbox, as for Download section I can do. Do I simply put the vmf in an upload? What about the vmx?

vmx isn't important. if you can simply upload it as a vmf that is fine for me, but putting it in a zip is customary.

Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
It's 5:13am where I am and struggling with making a zip folder. I should go bed.

But will post link here when I can manage it.


L9: Fashionable Member
Aug 17, 2008
So. I responded to you in the wrong thread. Here's what I meant to post in THIS thread:

There are so many problems with your map, but it's a learning experience.

1. You can't surround your map with a texture that's a decal/overlay. (for you, it's that blue stripe texture.) It will cause leaks.
2. Pretty much the cause of your initial errors are your brushes made out of spheres - your grass areas. Look up displacements on the wiki, they will be invaluable and will give you way better results at way less of a performance cost.
3. Look up func_details and learn when you use them - you'll use them a ton and they'll cut down your compile times drastically.

After all that's done, consider researching a bit of optimization (func_details are part of that). Housing your map in one big cube will cause performance problems after your maps become a bit more complicated.

Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
1. It is a temporary box until I move onto Skyboxes and Lighting. I just put it there to prevent leaks and make the map runnable. (I don't even like it)

2. I have not known on Displacements. It would be sad to give up those spheres since it's frustrating to get the hills just how I wanted them.

3. It's all getting more confusing that I bargained for.
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L9: Fashionable Member
Aug 17, 2008
1. I'm saying that the map will leak if you use that texture or any other like it.

2. Displacements will allow you to get what you want, I guarantee it.

3. It only seems overwhelming. To get your map into a workable, non-crashing state is really not hard.

Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
I'm sure I can manage. I got this far and would hate for my idea to just be nothing more than an idea.

Also, any advice for making circular displacements on cylinders? Since the wiki article says only works for square brushes.

But I am thankful for teaching me how to get that "natural ground" look. It'll make the whole place look more rugged and outside. I can even go with the idea of spawn rooms inside cliffs. (May need a tutorial on making TF2 bases, but do I need to remake lots of brushes to make one rugged cliff or such?)

Also, noted I should NEVER try to carve displaced square brushes with a circle. >_> But still would be nice to have circular hills if possible.
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Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Also, any advice for making circular displacements on cylinders? Since the wiki article says only works for square brushes.
Make a cube. Slice it cleanly in half horizontally. Go into the displacements window, select all ten of the outer faces, turn them into displacements, and hit Subdivide. You now have a nearly-spherical mass that you can delete the bottom half from to get a dome type thing. That help any?

Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
Make a cube. Slice it cleanly in half horizontally. Go into the displacements window, select all ten of the outer faces, turn them into displacements, and hit Subdivide. You now have a nearly-spherical mass that you can delete the bottom half from to get a dome type thing. That help any?

What are the outter faces? If they are the faces of the cube I am only counting eight, even after using the clipping tool on it.


L9: Fashionable Member
Aug 17, 2008
He's talking about it being 10 faces AFTER you slice it in two...because the side faces would go from 2 to 4.

another approach is to select one face and turn it into a displacement. Then from there you select a huge range of what is affected then just click a few times to raise/lower it.
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Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
He's talking about it being 10 faces AFTER you slice it in two...because the side faces would go from 2 to 4.

another approach is to select one face and turn it into a displacement. Then from there you select a huge range of what is affected then just click a few times to raise/lower it.

I tried making a really tall hill and smoothing the top off but it still didn't work the way I wanted it. Bits of corner still poked out.

Is slicing a different thing to clipping?