

L1: Registered
Apr 2, 2010
[nomedia=""]YouTube- CP_Scrapheap Alpha v0.15[/nomedia]

Bit dark and low quality but you can get the general idea from that.

I plan to put some cover between CP 'A' and blue base, it's just too open at the moment.

I WILL change the boundary walls and skybox to be more attractive.

I definitely need to Optimise the map a little more.

Other than that most changes are down to feedback.

MAJOREDIT: These Screenshots reflect the level much better than my video.

Definite changes for next version:

* Improved Lighting. Done. Partly by checking "HDR" on the compile window. Well, mostly, actually. Also by adding lighting wherever there were windows, and one or two extra lights elsewhere.

* Better signposting.

* Spiky wall made easier to get through.

* Secret corridor route widened.

* Textures varied more, mostly in and/or on:

** RED Base.

** Ground.

** BLU Spawn room.

** Stairs round first CP/Floor of Second story, RED Base.

That's all I can think of for now :). v0.175 coming next. Thanks everyone for feedback.

EDIT: Oh, and thanks for helping me to get this far: Phate's youtube tutorials, for the very basics, and 3kliksphilips, for lighting tutorials and water (although so far I haven't done a great job on lighting :p)
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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Ohhhh boy... to put it lightly, this map is way too dark. Pun intended, by the way.

Yeah, I can get the general idea of it, but that general idea won't help much when up to 32 different players may be shooting teammates out of blind confusion.

Just sayin'. Light it up.


L1: Registered
Apr 2, 2010
Ohhhh boy... to put it lightly, this map is way too dark. Pun intended, by the way.

Yeah, I can get the general idea of it, but that general idea won't help much when up to 32 different players may be shooting teammates out of blind confusion.

Just sayin'. Light it up.

Are you taking that from the map, or the video?

The map's pretty light, compared to the video. But compressing it with a weird Codec in VirtualDub made it go all funny.

Still, it probably does need more light in quite a few places. Especially the middle of the second layer of RED's base, the near side of the top layer of RED's base...I could go on, which illustrates that you have a point still further.

Thanks for feedback!

EDIT: Do you (or anyone else for that matter) have a strong opinion on the water being 'toxic', i.e. having a trigger_hurt below its surface?
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L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 27, 2009
  • the map is too dark. Light it up (the video software obviously didn't mess up to much, i saw fully lit health kits with a black background)
  • you mentioned a few things in your video that shouldn't happen. For example at one point you mentioned going the wrong way, and if you, the person that made the map, can make that mistake, think of what newer players will feel like.
  • you also had a part where you failed at going through a spiky door entry. People shouldn't get stuck like that. I never have that amount of trouble going through any door, and i shouldn't expect trouble going through doors. Making it less spiky (more vertices, less spikyness) will make it easier to go through and more realistic
  • there was no indication that the water was toxic, which i didn't like. people often jump in water to save themselves from burning to death, and jumping in and dying from the water would be bad
  • there were a few buildings that had obviously tiling rock textures. you can usually get away with tiling artificial textures, but visibly tiling natural textures look horrible and unrealistic

sorry for lack of postive comments, I can't comment positively on gameplay without playing the map, and I can't really comment positively on aesthetics with the poor video quality and lighting


L1: Registered
Apr 2, 2010
  • the map is too dark. Light it up (the video software obviously didn't mess up to much, i saw fully lit health kits with a black background)
  • you mentioned a few things in your video that shouldn't happen. For example at one point you mentioned going the wrong way, and if you, the person that made the map, can make that mistake, think of what newer players will feel like.
  • you also had a part where you failed at going through a spiky door entry. People shouldn't get stuck like that. I never have that amount of trouble going through any door, and i shouldn't expect trouble going through doors. Making it less spiky (more vertices, less spikyness) will make it easier to go through and more realistic
  • there was no indication that the water was toxic, which i didn't like. people often jump in water to save themselves from burning to death, and jumping in and dying from the water would be bad
  • there were a few buildings that had obviously tiling rock textures. you can usually get away with tiling artificial textures, but visibly tiling natural textures look horrible and unrealistic

sorry for lack of postive comments, I can't comment positively on gameplay without playing the map, and I can't really comment positively on aesthetics with the poor video quality and lighting

Yeap, I agree on the spiky door, I'll work on that. Lighting does seem to be an issue, I will have to work on that.

The toxic water, there are many indications that the water is toxic - from all angles except, ironically, the one I approached it from in that video. I've added extra now, though.

EDIT: Incidentally, when I went the wrong way in the video, it's because I forgot what I was intending to show people, rather than because I actually got lost.

DOUBLEDIT: Did I mention this was my first map? :p
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Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
The map, as has been said, is very, very dark. There are also a lot of corridors that are far too cramped for players to be going through which turns them into absolute hell for any player in there. You have some sort of yellow fire/smoke effect that doesn't look very good and a lot of texture repetition.

Consider reading through this: