Intel room escape chute: to be deadly or not to be?


L1: Registered
Feb 26, 2009
The intel room in ctf_quarantine is going to be at the highest level of the map. There will be a vertical chute/shaft that will connect the intel room with the basement.

My original intention was to create a one-way exit that, while getting the intel far away from the intel room as quickly as possible, was inherently deadly for the person who was carrying the intel.

Other routes would be less punishing, but would require the normal "escape from the base" gameplay.

My Q to the community is whether that introduces interesting strategic decisions or whether it's a Bad Idea (tm)
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Cranky Coder
Jul 31, 2009
I feel somewhat qualified to comment after adding not one but two one-way drop chutes involving intel capturing :p (Although neither are deadly.)

Falling won't work with scouts. If they jump in, they'll use their double-jump or FAN before they hit the ground and walk away whistling.

If you put a "deadly spinning fan of death" halfway through to chop them up (and let the intel fall through) then you need to make sure they can't jump out over the hole, drop the intel, and doublejump back to safety, which means some manner of triggers and doors. Alternatively, have some sort of kink in the tube before the deadly zone, so that someone has to navigate the bend in-person with the intel before they run through the deadly fan in boredom.

If other classes can leap over the pit, they could also drop the intel without falling themselves, which could be a real pain with a C&D spy who keeps doing it repeatedly.
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L1: Registered
Feb 26, 2009
I didn't realize that Scouts can FAN or double-jump to prevent fall damage from long heights.

I guess the incinerator at the bottom of the chute needs to be activated by objects falling down the chute then... :)


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 27, 2009
i have to say, that would be quite fun to jump down a hole and get shopped up by a fan to help my team. or just to commit suicide. either one.


L6: Sharp Member
Dec 21, 2007
I think jumping over the hole and just dropping it would be legit. If someone's skilled enough to do that, then they deserve not to have to suicide.


MUSty Complainer
Nov 2, 2009
It's harder to double jump through a hole in the wall and back, then over a Well water tunnel door. Just throwing in my two cents. >_>