
zythewiggle a22

whats new?
  • changed routing through blue dropdown route from C
    • the route now exits onto a platform, with the bend removed
    • the platform connects to a window room where the original dropdown door used to be
    • this change hopes to reduce reds flanking blue through the doorway, while still not turning the area into a dead end
  • added ramp to side room on A and shifted the windows
    - this should help attackers spam out the roof sentry spot
  • adjusted rollback zones
  • turned on collisions on a metal sheet prop used as cover that's had collisions off for like 20 versions, oops...
  • clipping improvements
  • minor changes (i forgot)
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • re-evaluated blue routing on last
    • previously, routing was rather sprawling, separating blue into 3 separated routes and splitting the team, leading to some routes being left abandoned, and used by red instead
    • the one-way gate route and main payload route have been merged, blue players can still access the one-way from spawn, but have access to a rotate route between main and the gate, a doorway has also been removed to simplify the area even more.
    • i hope this routing change encourages blue players to access the far away high-ground flank, and splits teams less
  • added chicken-wire wall to cubby room on last, to let attacking players see reds inside it
  • blocked roof sight-line on B
    - the solution I've implemented I'm not happy with, but we'll see what happens
  • reduced slowdown on last ramps from 0.5 to 0.7
  • fixed some geometry and clipping
  • i forgot stuff and things
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • closed some openings on last
  • added new small route next to main cart path on last
  • removed locking door on B bridge
  • added new building and cover on C
  • i dont remember..................
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • changed up routing out of short route to B, now leads to low ground under bridge
  • blocked some sightlines
  • added glass to a window at last
  • i literally dont remember (shocking)
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • closed off a doorway for Red on B once A is captured
    - also removed the window seeing into that route
  • added a FUCKING FORWARD SPAWN for blue once B is captured
    - i put off making this change for as long as i did because i wanted to keep the central bridge shortcut gimmick running for as long as possible, but there were simply too many points of failure, the new forward spawn now cuts travel time short by one bridge section, i hope this will work as intended
  • adjusted blue respawn time on C from 2 to 3
  • added missing respawn-room-visualizers, oops
  • optimization
  • updated signage
  • alpha detailing
  • forghort
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • raised red teams re-spawn time on A
  • blocked a sight-line on A
  • explosion at last kills people now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • fogort
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • added new spawn exit to blue spawn that enables after A is captured
    - also moved A spawns back forward
  • added new platform for blue on A
  • i don't remember...
special thanks to @thompson for suggesting this change! (even though it turned out a bit differently)
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • replaced windows in small room toward B with doorway
    - as a result of this, lowered roof, players can now also jump up from the floor
  • added a window and signage near red flank on B
  • blocked sight-line on C
  • i don't remember
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • added a hole and fencing around D sentry spot to let approaching players see reds setup
  • fixed some stuff (misaligned clip, misaligned props, misplaced textures)
  • improved clipping
  • idk
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • added new shortcut and signage for Red to C
    - this shortcut will close when C is capped
  • added new route to oneway door to funnel players and hopefully teach them that its there better
  • fixed/adjusted sight-lines on D
    - also fixed a crack-shot on A
  • minor changes to B
    • currently wanting to retest it more, as previous tests have felt better than before, need to keep looking at painpoints.
    • i have some new design ideas in mind, ive made two seperate experimental versions of the map to test drastic changes to the area, not too confident in either right now. so i will keep trying.
  • minor adjustments
thanks to all the playtesters!