
vsh_facility rc3t1

More map detailing, added the ability for spy to sap hale (wich causes same effect as fan o war or jarate),
also updated hale fx and laser ability
Finally got first version of the mecha hale model, its still very early wip so there might be some bugs and things missing, this test is mainly just to see the robot model and the laser ability.

aside from mecha hale the map now has alot more small details and changes.
New laser particles, changed the kill icon, added laser ready sound
laser now does more damage and hale gets resistance when using it
More detailing, first test for new hale laser ability.
More detailing n stuff
detail yada yada, made a new play area ontop of the spawn buildings
bit more detail, minor changes here and there, did displacements for the most part
Added extra route from spawn, made hales spawn higher up so its visible from spawn and the new route, added tunnel behind hale spawn roof and some extra detail stuff.
Added some more detailing, added ramp to the roof area, updated soundscapes