Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack

Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack 2014-11-06

A must have when mapping. But it saddens me that the newer entities are no longer getting icons, those are one of the best parts.
Had a few issues, as my Vista is old, but overall made Hammer easier and better to use. Also, ISNEWPuddy, I'm fairly sure it will not work with Team Fortress 2 Classic.
Very, VERY useful.
im using mac, so parallels desktop, and i used the source sdk to run hammer and now when i try to open it it tells me to run it from the bin folder, so i did that and it still doesnt work. help
you cant even install it anymore
please update this because tf2 lot of major update make new entity to fgd

[or i will make an update version of this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]