Tiny Rock

Tiny Rock final

* Expanded "mid round" rooms: you can now look out of windows, and there is now one on Red team's side of the map (also the spawns are team-specific now)
* Widened a doorway a little
* Made some of the railings on the side bridges solid and opaque
* Adjusted environment lighting to match up with the sun
* Fixed a spot in the deathpit where you could stand and not die
* Removed a duplicate spectator camera
* A bunch of clipping improvements
* Players no longer spawn inside the deathpit mid-round; now they spawn inside a building with a door that never opens, except during Feedback Round
* Adjusted cart paths to block that one sightline everybody hates
* Fixed carts getting stuck (hopefully for real this time)
* Fixed players spawning inside eachother
* Detail tweaks
* Clipping improvements
* Reverted carts back to their previous speed
* Fixed a clipping issue
* Fixed some rollforward zones being uneven
* Clipping improvements
* Carts now have the spinning light effect on them!
* Minor miscellaneous visual tweaks and fixes

(The below changes are experimental and may be reverted)
* Added a rollback zone
* Carts move a bit faster (now 135, previously 120)
* Heavily modified Spytech detailing to make the secret missile tunnel visible from spawns
* Carts now roll forward, rather than back, at the crossover points
* Added some hazard tape to mark the crossover points
* Fixed crossovers having a missing roll point
* Added an additional particle effect to the cart explosion
* Cart explosion now kills you if you're too close
* Killstreak and "First Blood" announcer lines no longer play after round end
* Fixed some out-of-bounds perch points
* Minor detail tweaks
* Made sure CompilePal compiled the map with lighting this time
* Fixed clipping errors
* Fixed carts getting stuck on the crossover points
* Fixed end-round explosion being triggered by physics props
* Fixed some displacement seams
* Fixed some missing brush faces
* (Hopefully) fixed multiple players spawning in one spot on round start
* Minor lighting tweaks
* Basic artpass
* Carts now actually explode
* End-round messages are now accurate (sort of)
* Removed some announcer lines, because fuck em



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* Fixed some announcer lines not playing
* Fixed borked logic
* Added rollback zones on the track crossover points so one team's cart can't be blocked by the other team's cart
* Shortened "setup" time from 10s to 6s
* Added Arena mode announcer lines (among others)
* Fixed a prop being stuck halfway into a wall that somehow nobody noticed for like three versions