Test Chamber 18

Test Chamber 18 A7redux

It has been such a long time in fact, that I had forgotten to compress the bsp. Sorry about that.
It's been a long time... How have you been?

Quarantine has gotten the better of me and I found myself wanting to map again, so I chose to start with updating my only mediocre map :)

- Added glass walls around GLaDOS to drastically decrease the power of Snipers (hopefully!)

- Added new platforms around mid to weaken Airblast
- Changed the Faith Plate route again

- Added a bunch of decals, including Health Patches


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A6 changes:

- Removed the right route from spawn to courtyard completely, and replaced it with portals instead.
- Added a sign to the left route due to a particular playstyle, you know who you are...
- Added trigger_push entities around GLaDOS in an effort to stop getting stuck on her.
- Added more lighting
- Turret improvements
Check last update for details
A5 changes:
- GLaDOS now only reacts every 3 captures, instead of every capture.
- GLaDOS now reacts properly when hit.
- Moved GLaDOS up a bit.
- Faith Plates now have nobuild.
- Made Resupply Turret more obvious.
- Added proof-of-concept portals to see if they'd actually work.
A4 changes:

- GLaDOS voice lines triggered by capturing now play everywhere.
- Far left route's backwards Faith Plate has been removed.
- Far right route now has a full health kit, in order to make it more appealing to go through in comparison to far left.
- Spawn balconies have been removed, as people started camping on them.
- Temporarily removed GLaDOS' collision.
Simply added Faith Plates to the two left routes,
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After the first maptest (thanks everyone who came by, by the way!) it became painfully obvious how boring and overscaled mid was. This is why it has been completely redesigned for Alpha 2.
Other changes:
- Added more ammo kits
- Replaced central door with a default TF2 door
- Removed far left frank door completely
- General additions to GLaDOS logic for fun
Simply lighting added to make it actually testable.
General Additions to GLaDOS and added a new health kit location.