
Spaghetti a2a

Gamemode changes
  • Likely fixed the issue that led to overtime lasting indefinitely
  • Fixed the glow on the cart sometimes dissappearing at certain angles
  • Made the cart unpushable during the initial round start countdown
Map changes
  • Added soundscapes
  • Implemented a detailing pass on the cave area
  • Added foliage to the ground and cliffs
  • Reworked some cliff displacements around the rock ramp
  • Properly included mirrored rock models
Gamemode changes
  • Added announcer voicelines to the gamemode e.g. 'Push!', 'You're losing ground...', depending on team progress
  • Added overtime, works like payload overtime
  • Changed the cart so its skin updates depending on the state of the round. Same with the light particle effect
  • Fixed the dispenser beam so player feedback is more obvious
  • Increased the speed at which the turntable rotates.
  • Added 'slow zones'
  • Fixed the bug where the server crashes due to too many sounds playing at the start
Map changes
  • Flipped the direction of the cart path. Teams now have to push into the opposing team's side immediately
  • Added a 'slow zone' to the big ramp. Used to just be a rollback
  • Added a little more lighting to the lowground
  • Lowered the cliff looking over the lowground somewhat
  • Fixed the spawndoors not functioning correctly
  • Uploaded the correct bsp lol