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BLU spawn re-textured (more natural tones)
Lighting improvements
Additional occluders added
Miscellaneous adjustments
Render mode for respawnroom visualizers altered
Roofs added to all buildings
Topmost buildings and roofs no longer visually clip due to skybox
Underground "dead end" signs are easier to spot (defender's entrance)
BLU sewer detail improved
Clipping improved
Major visual improvements
BLU base now textured
Displacements properly added
Removed superfluous particles
Removed an unused ambient sound
Fog removed
Major visual and audio improvements
Teams now instantly respawn when their intelligence is captured
Doors added to spawnrooms
Divided battlements to route teams to main battleground better
Braziers added for Snipers to light their arrows
Removed healthkit and ammopack near intelligence
Healthkit near river moved into the water; previous area now has a small ammopack
Healthkit and ammopack added to each team's Sniper decks