Rats now have sound effects!
Added temporary sound effect to indicate rats spawning on capture
Added Halloween mode to the map
Added one way transparency to the windows on the shelter over the stairs on either side of the point, benefiting attackers going to the point
Added more rat spawns, 6 now spawn per capture
Rats now drop small health packs on death
Added a little more detailing (including some new vehicles outside of the map)
Fixed a number of small visual issues, added missing health pack markers
Slightly adjusted health packs
Added some nobuilds in a few places that could cause teleporter traps (thanks Midnite)
LODs added to Rats
Known issue: The Rats can still get stuck on each other at times, especially with lower server populations (targeting the same person)
Rats still have their hands clip through the shields a bit, we'll get there eventually, I promise.
Rats sometimes drop MVM money, lol