
Sewer A6

Extended platforms adjacent to mid to make it less whack-a-mole gameplay
Removed crate on that same platform that was being used for sentry cover
Adjusted some railings around mid
Small health/ ammo adjustments, not much
Fixed the missing triggers, whoops
Added and adjusted some cover on the capture point, as well as a new ramp
Tweaked a few doorways and routes to open them up more
Adjusted a number of small gameplay elements around the map
Fixed missing clipping on overpass, lol
Added new small healthpacks in sewer near mid where I felt it was a bit of a dead zone when retreating back from a mid push
Tweaked some visuals
Changed to night theme
Added basic overpass above the map to introduce support beams for cover
Adjusted stairs on either side of the point
Did some minor gameplay tweaks to the transitions areas leading into mid
Known issue: A lot of pop in with the overpass, it'll get there.
Shortened run time slightly by shrinking spawn courtyard
Added new exit from side building, facing mid, hopefully giving attackers more of an advantage pushing into mid
Turned a ramp going down from the building next to mid into a drop down
Reduced cover on cap zone
Added some new ramps and platforms benefitting attackers pushing towards mid
Added resupply cabinets, lol
Adjusted spawn timers
Shortened cap time
Adjusted health and ammo
Remade spawns and surrounding area entirely
Shortened capture time
Added new drop down into sewers
Added new sewer route coming from spawn
Adjusted health/ ammo
Various other small gameplay changes around the map