added some stairs for blue on C to get up to reds platform
added fence to block annoying sightline into red defense area
moved reds last and forward spawns
last spawn now faces the track, no more 180° turns!
forward spawn reverted to old position
expanded reds defensive platform around spawn on last
added some locking/opening doors around A and B areas
revised some health and ammo spots
rerouted some stuff
made it epicer, i hope
idk, idr, idc!
Last still needs more love, but once again im stuck, hopefully the adjustments made help in some way, otherwise i need to consider a redesign... thanks to all the playtesters!
part between B and C is now an interior, giving blue more security
generally gave blue more options
removed a flank doorway from A
added medium ammo in highground room on B
added temporary glow solution for the cart
- added a tf_glow that will apply a glow to just the torpedo model, it wont look right, and it will break when not rendered, or for no reason, but its better than nothing for now until we get the full models in.
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