
resolution a14

General Assessment:
-this is the first version where no-one complained about complexity, so that' nice; people still felt the geo a little weird, but hopefully that's just from alpha blocky brushwork?
-instead everyone complained about flanks!
-A, B, and C all were held strongly using forward holds, which mostly collapsed when red tried to hold at the point
-this either means people complained about being flanked because they were constantly overextending, or they could only forward hold because flanks destroyed any holds on the point
-A was easy to forward hold simply because the area outside of spawn is undeveloped and a big open mess of geo, rather than a coherent layout
-B was easy to forward hold because the routes from A branch out too late into B, meaning you just need to hold one position to cover all entrances
--this singular route from A into B is too open with little advantage given to blu; the height advantage only exists before you turn the corner
-C was easy to forward hold because the routes into C are unfocused
-D seems damn near impossible for red to forward hold, or even push out a smidge from the last building
-D in general sucks and stands out from the rest of the map in just being a big box with awkward routes, and needs a complete redo
-overall, there's still a lack of properly concentrated fighting; the routes need more simplifying to create this

Layout changes:
-squished A spawn area, moved+mirrored blu spawn to fit the new geo
-made hut on A point slightly larger
-changed arch route into B to be an enclosed route to give blu a pushing advantage
-shifted the B building over 256Hu, gives more space for the point area itself
-removed pit next to cart path at B
-added stairs going from B staging area ground level to underground area
-changed B far flank to be at ground level and connect to the window room instead of the arches room
-completely changed the C-D connector(!)
--includes moving the entirety of D to fit the new geo
-D is still mostly unchanged
-added ramps to the pool so you can get out easier

-fixed blu spawn visualisers
-made rollback at last a little longer

I don't think this will fix the flank complaints, but it should make things a little easier to deal with - red should hopefully spend more time on the point than forward-holding, which ideally means they don't complain about routes that flank the staging area; the connector between C and D was giving meaningful defendable geometry, so red has a reason to defend the point rather than just forward hold.

I'll probably have to remove/change some flanks still, but this should make things a little clearer.
General assessment:
-while the complaints about complexity are reduced compared to previous versions, it's still an issue for some people
--one part that clearly stood out to people was the flank at B; the furthest exit is a long walk from the cart path, and the single route is trying to serve all 3 flank entrances as one big mess of geometry
-height difference is another issue that cropped up, notably the extreme height changes at A
-A itself is feeling somewhat formless, both areas are rather open and aren't giving a strong feeling of purpose with regards to building a defence or preparing an attack
-since the more fundamental issues regarding the map seem to mostly be ironed out, feels like a good time to put more attention to balancing
--B is still held too strongly; this feels like it's connected to the awkward flanks blu has to navigate rather than red having too solid a footing
--on the flipside, in all the tests so far C and D haven't felt like they're been defended as long or as strongly as they should be, given that they're the last two points
--a clear issue that stick out on C is that red doesn't have a clear high-ground foot hold; the upper building is too small and out of the way and doesn't give coverage of the point
--on D, it's been unchanged so the previous assessment of the fight feeling unfocused was still present, however I still don't have a clear idea of how to remedy that
-there were a couple complaints about snipers, however Doom and thompson were both playing sniper so y'know spill issue
-I should probably tone down the sun entity, it's not great for gameplay; since it's alpha it's worth just removing it entirely

Layout changes:
-reduced height difference at A
-made upper area on A point into a building
-shrunk the arch route from A to B
-created a new B from scratch(!)
-opened roof on C to give red easy access
-simplified flank building: closed the window and made the approach a simple set of stairs
-extended red's balcony on D a little closer to the track
-extended track so it has to go all the way out the building instead of ending in the water
-filled in x-support under the path at last

-fixed some misaligned brushes
-fixed spawning inside resupply triggers
-fixed ground too steep at last
-darkened some fully-lit faces so they aren't blinding
-removed sun entity

The area directly outside blu's first spawn is still formless and open, I don't really have any ideas atm of what to do with it so it's been unchanged in this version
Let's try this again!

General assessment:
-no complaints about areas being cramped, could probably even open up some areas more if wanted
-despite changes made for a1, still receiving complaints about complexity
--more complaints about the clashing angles on A shows that needs to be addressed
--something that came up was blu's routing to C and to D; no clear singular path felt available, which will contribute to a less cohesive layout
--the shortcut to A from red's spawn keep causing problems, and requires a silly amount of arrows
--the flanks are somewhat disconnected and unintuitive
--D doesn't have much of a clear fight happening
-red was again able to easily forward hold on B
-the drop-down on C has players facing away from the doorway
-general lack of health/access to health packs

Layout changes:
-rotated archway on A to fit with the surrounding geometry
-disconnected C from A, no more shortcut :(
-rotated C to be orthogonal instead of at 30 degrees
-moved blu's forward spawn to the side, demolished building where it used to be so the route is more open
-added a new route from A to make it harder for red to forward hold so far forward
-removed the area under the cart path on B, and moved the ramp to the other side
-merged the flanks on B, raised the far flank to be at ground level to make its existence more obvious
-cart path into C goes at the ground level route instead of underground through the tunnel; this should make blu's push into C more directed
-switched the ramps on C to accommodate the new height of the track
-moved the drop-down on C to the side of the room so you aren't plopped into the middle
-D was mirrored so red has a better flow into C
-added a path to the one-way door since the old one got mirror'd away
-changed stairs in the lower nook to be less awkward to climb

-added more health packs everywhere, upgraded a few
-textured around the cabinet in the lower area of blu's first spawn to make it more obvious
-blocked off the bridge with a brush instead of just a rope
-added clipping to the pool at D to make exiting a little easier
A0 got two tests!

General assessment:
-the geometry itself appears accommodating enough for all classes to fight around
-while scaling doesn't seem to be a problem, some areas are a bit cramped
-consistent criticism about how complex and unintuitive the layout is
--part of this I can put down to routes splintering and reconnecting instead of forming their own flow
--there is also a little bit too much stuff; of particular note is the roof of D, which was barely used and mostly served to confuse people as to its existence
--a specific example of the intuition problem is red's route to A vs B, especially when blu captures A and you have to turn around to go to B
--Defcon specifically pointed out the use of constantly varying angles; while some of these are just stand-ins for more organic displacement work rather than sharp angular work at A, the criticism especially holds for B
-on a more macro level, the flow of games doesn't feel problematic; points are held, but not too strongly, and each round mostly had a rhythm going on
--red has a far more powerful forward hold on B at the choke than I'm comfortable with; blu doesn't have much gameplay space to hold
--blu is funnelled into the tunnel at C, when they should be directed towards the upper area
-pickup placement seems adequate
-spawn times, using the prefab defaults, aren't glaringly wrong
-general conclusion: remove/combine some routes with a focus on intuitive flow, open out areas more
-further conclusions about pacing and the like shouldn't be made from two tests totalling 6 rounds, get moar data
-am hap

Layout changes:
-remove unused/barely used areas: building on A point has had its upper floor removed, the drop-down and wall jump routes on B are removed, access to roof on D is removed :(
-simplify routes: the B flanks have been entirely redone and separated into two distinct simpler routes, the long open route on C has been removed and as such so has the one-way door to B
-make less cramped: removed most/all of A-spawn structure so that area outside blu spawn is now one big arena, widened A cliff route, the upper rock-arch area and its routes have been shifted towards blu spawn ~192Hu to add more space to the point area, the areas from A going into B have been widened, the staging area for blu going into D has been simplified and widened
-make more intuitive: signs and a new route have been added to make it easy to know where to go for A and B, especially after A is capped and you're stuck behind the big door; the area just after B has been simplified to make going to the upper area simpler, B point has been smushed around a little to add more prominence to the side route rather than the cart path

-erk got stuck in red's spawn door/no entry sign after B was capped; extended the teleport trigger to fix
-added rope to make it clear the bridge is clipped
-moved a few pickups around to be more noticeable
-added some triggers to the signs that spawn so they only become solid when no one is inside them
No layout changes, just small fixes:
-fixed people getting stuck in the one-way doors
-smoothed collision in the vent and a few other areas
-brightened lighting around B
-added a sign outside red spawn after A is capped to make 'em go in the right direction
-added kill trigger for finale explosion