I havent given up! This version is going to feel like a completely new map with revamps to every area. Overall better scale and should feel safer for medic on either team.
-reduced overall walkable area by about 20%
-removed lower cliff route
-simplified all the routing in and on the main building
-removed two blu side entrances to main interior red building so its less swiss-cheese-y
-removed lower blu spawn exit. all blu players empty into main now
-reworked main interior path to red sentry spot area to be more simple and involve less weird peaking and surprise attacks
-increased red access to rooftops by a lot
-added rock corner
-simplified and raised area immediately outside blu spawn so red can hold temporarily right outside spawn as round starts
-reduced overall walkable space by about 30%
-reduced size of warehouse
-cut down payload track length by about a minute via keeping it at main and not routing into the warehouse
-added large central bridge with blu and red access
-reworked some wall placement for reds entrances into the area so its fewer awkward angles
-added clipped rock coverings to both red and blu side entrances into the area so really mobile flying classes cant get a total drop on people in the area
-reduced overall walkable area by 50% (smaller but also removed all underground routes)
-removed underground route
-cut cart path by about a minute and rerouted it to main (since no more underground lol)
-built up blu holding area a lot so blu can hold onto beginning of C better
-put building chunk on red spawn to stop players from getting stuck in the door
-simplified B to C connectors
-made far side of blu entrance into C a drop down to contain red a little more
-increased red access to rooftop of main red building
-refined red main interior space
-added shack to main to give cover to and from red main rooftop and provide more blu access
-added fence and clipped rock covering to above red main building's bridge to contain rooftop gameplay a bit more
-added red side one way door on lower entrance to red main building
-built up blu flank route and gave red some stair access
-smoothed and refined cliff side route
-added two red side one way doors. one in main red staircase and one in highest red building to contain blu a little bit more
-added shack to blu's entrance into D so blu has a bit of a safe spot before entering D
-blu side shack is has walkable space under, inside, and on top to give blu a bit of a boost entering into the area
-refined red side pathing to give red more cover and increase access to the elevator
-increased height of dary grey cylinder tanks near elevator so sniper cant mount them and stand on the fence
-removed one red side entrance into main cart path building