
Propaganda b19

Trying adding a door to the 2nd to mid connector as an experiment. That's the only change in this version, so if the door sucks just go back to b18 lol


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-Fixed a number of splash bugs. (Let me know of any more specific ones you find.)
-Updated frontline pack to v1.3 (There should be some performance improvements from this on some PCs) (Let me know if this causes issues, the way these items are made is kind of out of my control, but I can revert back to a previous version of the pack if needed.)
-Shrank cave doors slightly.
-Shrank door in the middle of garage slightly. (Let me know how shrinking doors plays out. I dont want to make things too cramped, but I want to restrict people a tad bit.)
-Moved bell up
-Added soldier perch below where bell was.
-Raised fence next to cave on mid to double as a soldier perch.
-Added scaffoling above the main choke in an attempt to restrict bombs coming from choke.
-Lowered the roof coming out of choke into 2nd a bit so high bombs are more predictable.


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-Added a small ramp to the choke going into mid so you don't have to jump million times on the milk crates to get on the fruit stand.
-Fixed being able to cap last from the other side of the concrete barrier.


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-fixed a lot of the issues pointed out by cin and hoi.
-fixed some rendering issues with the skybox.
-lowered the box by the shack on 2nd so sniper cant stand on it.
-lowered height of shack on mid, so sniper cant get onto the wooden thing next to it.
-shrank spawn and moved entrances away from point.
-scaled down the height of a lot of buildings (I did this for two reasons. The buildings just visually didnt look like the right scale, and it felt a little too easy to high bomb on the map, anyways.)
-shrank down some doorway sizes very slightly slightly. (choke is the only one significatly reduced, and that was just because I shrank the buildings)
-moved the healthpack on mid.
-moved the health kit from second into garage.
-moved mids forward spawn a bit.
-lowered the balcony thing over mids forward spawn.
-improved clipping on the doors in cave.
-lowered height of floor in cave a bit.

Thanks for the feedback everyone, it's much appreciated.
I plan on keeping an eye on spawn timings in the future. I'm not changing it as of now, because it's very easy to mess with some unintended stuff there.


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I added hint brushes or something.
fixed shutter on mid opening from porch above
fixed a few small clipping and visual issues
added stalagmites and stalactites to the caves


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