Readded pavilion so more people get the chance to test it.
Removed small shacks near choke.
Added small ramps going to the side of the pavilion.
Removed Rocks at either end of tunnel.
(I'm still not happy with mid, and I have some ideas on how to change it, but I haven't had the time recently. Hopefully what I have now should be reasonable to play on.
If it's awful and any of the past mids were way better, let me know, it's pretty easy to copy and paste the old geometry into the new map.)
Repositioned health/ammo packs.
Made stairs leading up to shutter less (more?) wierd.
Made the chimney blocking rollout flush with the wall; Added rock to bottom to help with fall damage instead.
Removed pipe completely.
Enlarged building to the left.
Added window to bush to increase visibility somewhat.
Changed chape of concrete over point. Maybe its less awkward now.
Possible TODO's:
Make it easier to escape to last from the porch, and probably move the forward spawn on 2nd.
Add better visibility into last.