Player-Controlled Turret Prefab (comments included)

Player-Controlled Turret Prefab (comments included) V1

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Player-Controlled Turret Prefab (comments included) V1

A stationary turret that can be used by all classes. Can shoot rockets, pipes, arrows, stickies.


The turret starts working when a player goes near it. (indicated by the trigger_multiple) Move the camera to control the turret, press attack to shoot. Back away from the turret if you wish to stop using it.

You can change the ammo type in the tf_point_weapon_mimic entity. (rockets/pipes/arrows/stickies)


The map contains the turret itself, as well as some destructible physics props. Most entities have comments with a brief explanation of their function. If you want to edit specific entities, select the sentry, click on the "Tools" tab and then "Ungroup".

The zip file includes:
  • turret prefab (.vmf file, openable with hammer)
  • precompiled test map (.bsp file)
  • "readme" file

Performance impact: Negligible
Made in ~2 hours
Free to use and modify. Credit is appreciated but not required.
First release
Last update

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