
PL_Hell_Island B8

B8 Changelog

  • added in teleport for blue starting spawn so that players can go back and forth between rooms during setup time, also makes things a little more challenging for red at the start to know where the main attack is going to come from
  • fixed all issues found in the last test
  • did a LOT more detailing of the map
  • changed overworld exit behaviour for players - you will now spawn closer to the cart based on it's location
  • fixed part of the frog god's pillars that were breaking before they were supposed to
  • removed rare spells as requested - all are stock items now
  • added in two banannas to indicate a slippery section
  • removed the custom respawn cabinets, ammo pickups etc to resolve any potentail copyright issues with those assets going forward
  • removed the portal prop at blue's starting spawn as players thought they could go thru it to somewhere
  • more lighting work
  • more player clips added for the detailing and adjusted some others
B7 Changelog

  • fixed the issue of b6 not being packed properly
  • new custom nav_mesh for better bot behaviour
  • fixed teleporter bug (on exit) for red team when going into the overworld
  • enabled spellbook HUD so that players now know what spells they have picked up
  • removed some old player clips that prevented a player from falling into a deathpit < you're welcome LOL
B6 Change Log:

  • more ligthing work
  • scaled back Skeleton health even more - easier to kill but makes the total mayhem event MUCH MORE FUN!! I have a good laugh playing this version.
  • cart now travels to the overworld and both teams will have to fight it out there to kee the cart moving
  • a lot more detailing of the map
  • debugged 2 monos that were not firing properly
  • got rid of the death pit mechanics that pulled you into your death
  • shrunk down the size of the death pit inside the main temple entrance
  • added in trugger hurt so that if the temple doors close on you you now die instead of geting stuck
  • all resupply cabinets are working
  • blue now spawns on both sides of cap point 3 which helps them from being spawn camped and gives them easier access to the farf flanking route
  • toned down some of the particle effects which should help with frame rates even though map consitently had good fps already
  • fixed the jumpscare traps including the teleporters and kill triggers inside the trap events
  • added in a health activator so that you will get full health upon leaving the overworld
  • moved the above exits into a more suitable spot on the map for both teams
  • modified the end cap destruction of the frog god so it's much more dramatic
  • added in spell books and halloween mode
  • added in a no build zone so red team can't put a wrangled sentry gun and just shoot point number one
  • modified some sightlines to make it harder for snipers
  • added in a bot teleporter for red team in the temple where bots tended to run and get stuck even when told not to go to that spot

- in addition to all the items found in version B4, I have fixed the bugs found in version B4.

b5 should nw be working properly - sorry for the confusion
Version B4 Change Log:

  • added in the overworld into the map for a trip like you've never had before :)
  • more debugging of game logic - mostly the death traps / random teleportation
  • added in the cart teleportation while the overworld is active
  • redesigned some of the temple - a litlle more variation, a couple of one way doors so red can't flank and spawn camp as easily
  • more lighting work
  • wells are now death pits - don't fall in
  • a little more detailing

Depending on how this one goes - this one should be the final version before completing the full detailing of the map - the map might still have a little too much mayhem going on in it - but I love mayhem makes me think less about stuff - lol.

And welcome to Hell - TF2 style :)
Version B3 Changelog:

  • increased lighting for everyone
  • torches are now non solid at your request
  • number of skeletons remain the same but I have dramatically reduced their overall health
  • have done the same for the headless horseman
  • increased signage for the red team inside the frog termple
  • added in or modified func_avoid for better bot performance
  • have adjusted some enties to decrease their numbers for more stability
  • fixed the broken doors on the flanking route inside the frog temple
  • added in a oneway door for blue team in the frog temple
  • added in an extra path track node to close the temple doors once the cart has past it to cut down on the massive sightline
  • got rid of metal fences at graveyards and put in wood ones since the others could be shot through
  • moved a deathpit position away from the doorway so both teams can run through the door easier
  • increased the pull of the deathpit as players were just standing in it
  • some more texture work
  • got rid of some duplicate models in the same spot ro fix some lighting issues that were happening because of it
  • fixed broken spawn door blue - opening during setup time - stays closed now
  • fixed broken spawn door blue 3rd spawn room - door closes keeping the skeletons out