pl_expiry stage one

72hr Jam 2024 pl_expiry stage one a5

-new route alongside the bridge
-adjusted cubby building on 1st
-new routing for lower flank building that leads from underground
-new underground route
-more cover added on 1st
-new cover on last
-opened a window on last
-added see through windows to last
-hopefully removed many awful/op sniper sightlines
-Added a new route that goes under the 1st point bridge
-Added a new staircase route to final
-Brightened up many dark corners
-Extended area around Blu's starting area by the deathpit
-Added new extension to upstairs balcony on first to wrap around and become a new route
-Moved many health and ammo packs/added a few
-Added new building that connects to "leap of faith building"
-Blocked absolutely bonkers sight line from underground to 1st
-Fleshed out underground route near the canyon with new building to replace a route
-Made "leap of faith" route able to be taken by a heavy
-Shortened bridge by a bit (no one will notice)
-New cubby building to give red a new "safe" nest location on 1st (it's a bait)