
piston a12d

-Modified the areas around the 2nd and 3rd points extensively to give players on both teams more wiggle room and flanks
-Reworked the time added for the capturing the first point to be 3m30s instead of just 3m
-Minor layout changes, made some parts more vertical
-layout changes at last
-fixed missing patches and bugs with the respawn wave timers on red team
-Layout changes + some changes with how the respawn wave timers work across the map
-Fixed bugs and visual glitches
-Modified certain item pickups
-Removed some rollback zones
-Changed how glass functions in certain areas
-Added a rollback zone at the final point
-Rejiggered Blue's initial spawn to make it harder to camp
-Reduced starting time to 3 minutes from 3 minutes and 30 seconds...
-Pushed back the positions for the first and second point, as well as changed how much time they add
-Added a new point to be captured, it's before the final point
-Added a spawn for red so that defending the 2nd point isn't a chore
-Reduced the max amount of time for the clock to 6 minutes
-Other minor layout changes to make defending and attacking more enjoyable.
-opened up some areas to make the map feel less and less like a chokepoint
-added 15 seconds to the amount of time added when capturing the 2nd point (3:15 from 3 minutes)
-layout changes that give better directions for alternate paths
-added more pickups and coincidentally moved the existing pickups to more intuitive locations
-other minor layout changes
-modified blue spawn doors and their locations to prevent annoying spawncamping ( this is a patchup solution until I think of a better way for creating spawns )
-added cover in various regions of the map, props are most likely temporary

Hopefully I haven't balanced it way way too much in one teams favor like the last couple of versions!!
-Layout changes made from feedback
people felt similarly to how I felt about this, so I acted to the whims of both of our feelings, here's the patch notes.

-widened up chokepoints / many areas
-added more routes to give attackers and offenders more wiggle room to do their respective jobs
-slightly reduced red team respawn times
-added some cover at last to prevent quick and dirty ambushes from the defending team, preventing a final push from the attacking team
-other minor layout changes
-opened up some chokepoints
-added cubemaps + an info_observer_point
-changed how forward spawns work for blue team
-blue team has an increased wave respawn time for the last point
-added rollback / rollforward zones for the cart