
Crossbuck a4

-Main roof in the center of the map is no longer playable, and no longer has a window that drops down into point B
-Adjusted other roofs to match the changes of the center roof being unplayable
-Lower center area now has two gravel piles that make it easier to get out of the lower areas
-Changed the long crate and wall in the center near point A into a hut/shed
-Removed the long crates in the center of the map near the large ammo pack and instead extended the walls
-Adjusted layout and health/ammo on the flank that goes from spawn to point B, also adjusting doorways
-Removed large white pipes under point A and turned them into coloured pipes (courtesy of fubarFX!)
-Added more team coloured walls to make it easier to tell what team belongs to which side when in the outdoor areas of the map
-Increased the height of the skybox for blast jumping classes
-Adjusted the target of the jump pad at point B
-Made it a little more obvious that the large health pack room near B (the one with the one way doors) is a dead end, and not meant to be a path to point A
-Minor detailing near point A, and also made the fences of inaccessible areas higher
-Removed one way signs from certain spawn doors to prevent confusion
-Removed handrails from team spawn location
-Healthpack and ammopack adjustments
-Other minor changes and the inclusion of more pipes!
-The map has received a name! It shall be named "Crossbuck".
-Completely reworked B, overall lowering the distance from A to B, and decreasing the verticality of B.
-Removed the doors underneath A.
-Added more area portals.
-Removed a couple of boxes from the train.
-New platforms on the sides of the middle building.
-Made more brushes into func details.
-Adjustments to the layout around spawn, making it easier to get to A.
-Changed to camper vans at both spawns into camper RVs, courtesy of KrazyZark!
-Learned a bit about optimization and put hint/skip brushes where they were deemed necessary!
-Removed Heavy models from the map that were being referenced for scale. They were somehow still appearing when compiled despite not being able to render, and would occasionally disappear and reappear.
-Fixed the extreme bloom and over the top lighting for HDR users. Fixed the logic auto not targeting the tonemap.
-Made the floor texture less white and more grey.
-Made non-gameplay roofs a different colour texture to indicate them being inaccessible.
-Removed vent that players would mistaken for a jump pad.
-Widened some door triggers to make players less likely to get stuck.
-Made awnings around the map non solid.
-Removed crates near B to make it more obvious that there are health and ammo.
-Changed spawn holograms to point to the next (locked) point as well to guide the player away from fighting in areas that will be further from the next point.

-Added hazard strips to all doors, including vent doors.
-Widened the indoor B area to make some locations such as the catwalk near B less chokey. This change also allowed me to widen a couple doorways.
-Rotated A 90 degrees, reworked it a little, and added some new fences.
-Added some pipes and crates so that the mid area near A feels less like a "canyon" and is easier to get out of. These props act as stairs/inclines of sorts.
-Added doors to cut off the long sightline on the catwalk near B.
-Upgraded some Small Health Kits near A to Medium Health Kits.
-Added a fence to the middle of the tracks near B.
-Added a few Small Ammo Packs.
-Increased height of roof near A to make it easier to tell you aren't allowed up there.
-Added grates to the catwalk.


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