Partile a1
From the sleep deprived minds of Switchgeer & DrSquishy! Parkent is BACK!
Partile is a Steeltype Attck/Defend map working as a redux to the Stack The Deck contest entry; Parkent, made by @Switchgeer and @DrSquishy. With much the same idea in mind, this map aims to get the gameplay concepts from the original map with some major overhuals to make fighting on it a much more streamlined experience.
The map centers around a previously abandoned research facility centered around a solar furnace. The power from which is being inefficiently used to power a deadly laser in the basement.
As a bonus, here's some quotes from new staff being interviewed at the facility:
"Why point a laser at things when you can just bring the things to the laser? It's genius!"
"What else are you supposed to put above that pit, a teleporter?"
"So many people have died falling asleep in the Concentration Tower, we should really stop letting people in there..."
The map centers around a previously abandoned research facility centered around a solar furnace. The power from which is being inefficiently used to power a deadly laser in the basement.
As a bonus, here's some quotes from new staff being interviewed at the facility:
"Why point a laser at things when you can just bring the things to the laser? It's genius!"
"What else are you supposed to put above that pit, a teleporter?"
"So many people have died falling asleep in the Concentration Tower, we should really stop letting people in there..."