
Overload a14b

  • Adjusting detailing on BLU side to reduce usage of RED team oriented textures.
  • After many complaints, the midpoint is finally in the middle of mid, and the buildings previously overlooking the point have been adjusted and shortened to compensate.
  • Fixed some clipping issues.
  • Increased ammo amount across the board.
  • Missing texture on sign model is finally fixed.
  • Bridge length adjusted.
  • Actually added in increased cap time for last this time.
  • func_detailed some stairs.
  • Increased the amount respawn times are lowered for the team that owns mid.
  • Fences added to platforms overlooking mid to block a nasty sightline.
  • Pushed back spawns a bit to make one of the routes more immediately obvious.
  • Some more alpha detailing.
  • Improved some frankly dogshit geometry around last.
  • Relatively small detailing (to areas I don't expect to change drastically) added to help differentiate areas, and more signage. This should massively help general navigation through the map.
  • Spawns rebuilt, should hopefully be significantly less confusing and more straightforward
  • Train container at mid swapped for ore car.
  • Added up ramp back up to the bridge from the cliff.
  • As spawn no longer leads to the high ground next to last, the second platform preventing fall damage has been removed.
  • Disabled collision of several lamps to disallow perch spots.
  • New medium ammo pack at the very back of the train at mid.
  • Sniper windows at mid improved, significantly easier to tell if a sniper is using it, and the open window has been moved to the middle, both to reduce sightlines and to give cover from snipers to anyone using the window as a route to mid.
  • Improved lighting in toxic sewers.
  • New route to mid change, now accessible from a doorway in its original location:
  • Fixed missing glass windows on mid shacks.
  • New route to mid moved; now goes to the buildings directly next to mid.
  • New fancy shacks around mid.
  • Spawnrooms changed. Spawns now face the exit, and one route has been swapped for a fast dropdown into some water.
  • The platforms overlooking last now have a smaller platform next to them, so you no longer are forced to take fall damage just to use them.
  • Capture trigger for mid made significantly larger.
  • New stairs to the platforms overlooking the point.
  • New 3D skybox.
  • Flipped around an area detailed to be outside from BLU side to RED side.
  • Halved cap time for last.
  • Removed func_nobuilds.
  • Rebuilt roofs of point buildings.
  • Widened cliff entrance rooms.
  • Added some more overlays and signage.
  • Fixed broken announcer voiceline on round start.
  • Fixed clipping from rock wall slipping into BLU teams spawn, locking several spawnpoints in place and preventing all movement.
  • Fixed missing sound in drill sequence when BLU last is capped.
  • Fixed missing light at RED last.
  • Slight optimisation pass.
  • Slight improvements to the rocket testfire sequence on capping RED last.