This map is really beautiful, and every time I got to play on it with a server of a good amount of people it was a blast. No overpowered sightlines, attacking the point isn't hard and there are a lot of options when it comes to routes for attacking. Not to mention all of the unique models and environments in this map. It's quite clear how much effort and detail went into creating this map.
I'd say the only problem I have with this map is the capture rate of the two points. While this map is extremely fun, it feels like if Blu has even the slightest advantage over the Red team, they win the moment they get the ball rolling because of how short the capture time for the points seems to be. It basically requires all of the defending team members to stick next to the point like glue just in case a Scout comes running at the point when no one is looking. I'd love to see the capture rate adjusted to something more the length of Mossrock, or a little shorter if it is felt to be necessary. Other than that of course, this map is simply splendid!