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Outskirts A24

This update adds a new route for red to shoten the walk time
Secret door near B has a texture that can easily be found also its a 2 way door now
When BLU capps A Red forcerespawns shutters also close for the new route
Medium Ammo at the A point
And some mapping things
The outsdie courtyard has been shrunk for less walkin
Forward Spawn has been removed
Its been a while done some stuff like for instant making my map actualy higher (for once)
some minor changes of this newer version
A has been revamped
Fixed Blu spawn allowing blu entering their forward spawn before capping A
I am back from some buzy stuff so i will update this
Textures forward spawn for blu and some move some rechanged
Yes? swimming pool? Yes
This update adds reds new base in a facility while the old B point is now a field of nothing Lighting in the facility better height of the map is bigger