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Outskirts A24

This update concludes: More water, cubemaps, A point having more cover and less boxy still boxy, corridor going to A from left side of blue is now filled with water, beside the bellow the B point is alot more esear to shootdown, cover from uptop added, right door for red moved to a better possition, sighline fixes, shutters added near the windows to make it feel like they were closed, windows changed to green for obvious spotting reasons, the corridor leading into B from the right (red point of view) has shrunk. Ill be waiting for more feedback! and maybe if i dont know something ill ask in the discord channel! Good luck in the rain!
Alpha 23 after coming back from a break
What does this version add?
Alot of stuff witch mentioned and i was ignoring it now is fixed (Someway or if i did it right even)
B flank removed for blue to use that goes from the left
Blue and Red spawn have difrent window textures for both sides privacy
Walls are higher near A same as the hut with a little ramp up near it
Sightline near A most likely fixed
MORE RAIN! (For some reason some where at the lowest part so the rain barely rained now its raining to the 100%)
Hi this is Alpha 22 (Somehow still Alpha) here are the changes
A hut has been removed
Patches have been added
Blue has a high ground ramp and a bridge to go across the pool
B has another way to get in it from the top side
Red spawn has been pushed back added new door to it
hut near the blast door has been added with health and ammo
Alpha 21 some stuff some stuff
B has been sligtly been changed added a vent going behind B added a path to a highground for any class that needs it, a fence that has a big "Gap" now has a player clip for some mobile to not corss it or stand on it, Thanks for the Feedback and no i am not a solider main that theres alot of water i was thinking of a theme that has not been used or ever used in tf2 mapping
I present to you ALPHA 19
Changes: Remade B point so both teams have fun both blu and red have height, Red spawns in a fancy room above almost the control point bellow it is a pool wich is why blu is attacking it
Some texturing has been done
Added: Info cameras for better look at the map
I hope B will now be fun for evryone i have been at it for 3 hours straight and the only problem i found was making the glass for red spawn harder then the entire phase of making the B point
Hi heres alpha 18 i have textured and replaced some textures
Added a bit of a blockade for sightline at B
idk how to change the black door even tho it shouldn't be black
Changed some light to spotlight added also moved prop light at B
Raised a floor a bit so a ramp woudln't be needed
Sorry for some grammar issues i am not an english person
Hi welcome to Alpha 17 this might be the last version of Alpha and finally i can start being creative for once in my mapping career i only made 2 maps in total (1 being this one) both of them are still in Alpha but this will be probabbly go to Beta
What has changed:
B got some texturing done
A The ramp to a has been reverterted to old one
A got some crates on
B now has a prop jump and to block sigtline
Hello its been a while since i continued updating my map so here i am back after hammer ++ update to 64 bit Still stuff not updated to what i wanted but ill do it some time so enjoy this map update an do please say what i need to change B because i am confused what i made
This update includes: The corroridor that leads to the raillings has been comepletely been demolished Some of the gates are now replaced with shutter texture instead of ibeam red now can travel to the balcony area to distrup the capture point some texturing and some other stuff ect..