
Oilchange Alpha 2 fix

US imp teaches me i am TERRIBLE with logic.
-Cars can no longer be stopped by ammo packs
-Cars now destroy buildbales
-Cars now honk after killing players
-Tarp pickups are all good now
-Clipping issues fixed

honk honk.
Changes for a2:
-Added the full race track, and CARS, which race around the oval and kill unlucky players. also you may or may not be able to ride them. not telling you.
-Decreased width of courtyard
-Redid Spawn and Lobby
-Clipping and skybox changes,
-Fixing up mid flow

Team Fortress 2 - Direct3D 9 - 64 Bit 6_14_2024 8_17_10 PM.pngTeam Fortress 2 - Direct3D 9 - 64 Bit 6_14_2024 8_16_43 PM.png
just have a good medic and engineer