- (hopefully) Fixed issue with BLU spawning in RED's spawnroom. I have absofuckinglutely no idea how this happened, but hopefully the new system I've put in place fixes it.

  • Added pylons to the sections of ropes where players can pass through
  • Expanded the length of the traffic booths to make them easier to get in/out of
  • BLU's spawnrooms now cover the whole dirt floor building
  • Moved 1st flag outside the spawnroom
  • Moved 2nd flag outside of the cage
  • No more building in the moats
  • Replaced crates with control point props
  • We now run on Sprinkles' melee script
  • All new optimization to fix broken cubemap issues

  • Added a roof to the mid cage
  • Added nobuild brush that fills the entire mid cage
  • Speaking of nobuild, added the nobuild brush that hammer just somehow fucking deleted and let sentries back in. What the fuck, hammer?

  • Clipping some props that should have been clipped a long ass time ago
  • How do we make the titantrons even better? ADD PYROTECHNICS! Each Titantron now has its own unique accompanying smoke/pyro/light/whatever show!
  • Added nobuild brushes to prime Griefgineer ramps and entrances.
  • Fixed issue with Sniper's bows being stripped while drawing an arrow, resulting in some weird glitching.
  • Made the main ramps to the Slobberknocker Storehouse muuuuuuuuch wider
  • Added some markers for pickups that didnt have any
  • Fixed the Eureka Effect exploit. Fuck off with that shit, Gruppy.
  • Added lights in the nighttime maps where they were direly needed.

  • Flag return time is now 5 seconds. Yes, five.
  • Moat ramps up towards RED's base have been removed
  • Moved the location of the bridges and moat ramps
  • Added DUEL's cage to the Slobberknocker Storehouse
  • Removed the upper locked door to the Slobberknocker Storehouse on RED's side, so RED can get up top easier
  • Fixed issue with players getting trapped in the lower door on RED's side of the Slobberknocker Storehouse
  • Flags can no longer be carried through the BLU-only locker room in RED's base
  • Shortened RED's respawn time
  • Made the game scoreboard display the actual scores, instead of giving BLU 3 points per victory.
  • Made it ACTUALLY FUCKING POSSIBLE for RED to win, as apparently the timer didn't have any RoundWin outputs OnFinished. I know what I'm doing, I swear on me mum!