
Megasnow RC1

- Fixed trigger_hurts not working on trains (they were set to only kill buildings... oops)
- Added nobuild to water
- Fixed water not extending all the way down. The floor is also notably higher to make this area smaller.
- Top of the water extends higher so that it's easier to exit
- Blocked off some of the supports more to make it clear you can't access the water through this way when the point is at its lowest.
- Made some of the windows blend into the daylight world better.
- Improved clipping on the ground floor where the ice sheets meet a cliff face and a building corner.
- Fixed a Halloween asset remaining
- Changed water texture to match the theming better
- Fixed instances not having any tools textures (clips, hints etc.)
- Sky changed from Yuki to Vickery as it better fits with the fog/lighting
- Fog & lighting adjusted to lean into sky also
- Improved the detail of OOB sections; more detailed roofs, snow on more objects, made some snow blends that were missing to have more snowy floors with correct materials
- Snow should no longer clip into buildings. It's a bit too light so it might want expanding more.
- Fixed phantom lights still being on from night time


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- Recovered roofs in snow
- Uses Diva Dan's ice models instead of brushwork
- Replaced oak trees with more fitting pine trees
- It's now snowing
- Fixed some leftover halloween content
- Fixed a brushwork error present on the latest version of Megalo
- Reverted the change making the turntable go up a bit higher and also underwater


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- Fix navmesh issue causing crashes
- Fix for texture error on RED yard
- Adds snow to rooftops & icicles to doorways
- Lots of props are now covered with snow from KrazyZark's snow covered props pack
- Removed some small leftover halloween assets

I'm not really happy with the snow roofs here so I'll likely end up making custom blend textures for the autumnal roof materials used and do it the proper way eventually.