
Marketland a3b

Making this a3b because it's just some minor changes

- Added fences in courtyards before the staircase to high ground. You can jump onto the walls from here, so I wanna see if it's too strong
- Added railing on high ground to prevent cheeky snipers from hiding too much.
- Added some planter boxes near point
- Slightly reduced point size, added the hazard texture around point
- Added soundscapes
Didn't get much feedback on alpha 3 due to a bug with the spawns. Probably not gonna develop this much further, and instead just move on to a new project. Didn't add new photos for this one.

- more cover on point
-blocked large sightline on lowground
- widened doors on building next to mid, widened middle room but added a pillar and wall to cut down on line of sight
- added a small sniper deck on building side, which has an angle to countersnipe the opposing high ground but does not overlook point
- removed boxes in middle path from spawn
- moved boxes and slightly moved a building to block a large sightline from standing on the elevated ground from the middle path
After the first playtest, one thing become clear:
The map is over scaled.

More testing is required, but hopefully alpha 3 has fixed the issue.

- Decreased size of point.
- Removed battlement area; replaced with
- Decreased size of courtyards outside of spawns.
- Decreased size of spawnroom.
- Decreased the height of high ground near the Rick May statue.
- High grounds no longer have bridges connecting them to the statue; replaced them with a set of staircases looping around instead.
- Metal sheets which acted as cover on the high grounds now provide cover from one another, rather than from point.
- Added more cover around the capture point, and slightly increased the capture area and speed. Note that high ground still has a sightline onto the middle section of the point.
- Flattened out pillars on point to allow players to stand on top.
- Added some cover on staircases leading to point.
- Added an angled fence on the one side of low ground in order to limit sightlines.
- Added overlays beneath all health and ammo kits.
Fixed missing textures and props; London items are now packed with the map.