
Macaw A2A

- fixed an issue where the map is in fullbright for people playing in LDR
- fixed red being able to go into their first spawn after BLU captures B
- added push triggers on top of trees to fix players being able to hide in them
- scaled down the reflectevity of the big building at A from 70 to 60
- smoothed out some of the displacements
- tinkered with displacements (insignificant stuff)
- textured the cave on BLU 1st spawn
- changed BLU 1st spawn interior stuff to avoid players accidentaly bumping their head
- added a rollback zone to the uphill cart tracks on A
- added a blue arrow in A to guide players into using the routes in the big building
- fixed a cheeky sightline to BLU's setup spawn
- removed some chicken wire fence walls due to complaints of them being overused
- scaled down the chicken wire from 0.250 to 0.125 texture scale
- added some macaw's in random places to stay true to the map name
- changed up some ammo and health packs sizes and spawnpoints
- added more cover in the glass building on last
- fixed the green glass appearance
- added a shortcut for BLU to E (last) after they cap D
- added a new one way drop in a new building in D for BLU to have more attacking options
- added a cute companion in BLU setup spawn
- red building you can walk on in D has now a more flattened roof
- deepened the hole on last a lot to make it look more like a death pit
- lowered the initial time limit for BLU to cap from 270 seconds (4.5 minutes) to 240 seconds (4 minutes)
- fixed being able to climb some buildings on last by adding clipping
- added a sun roof to RED's last spawn
- fixed the teleport trigger being able to also teleport red if the timing is good enough
- map file size should be alot smaller now due to compression
- and more smaller changes too insignificant for me to write them down
- fixed the hurt triggers (again)
- did a compile with hud excluded so there shouldn't be any issues with it
- fixed visualisers for red
-water now has a trigger hurt in it because i forgor to add it
-changed logic in small ways