
Ludgate A1

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Ludgate A1

A/D CP, now with 100% increased risk of Tube train dismemberment. Mind the gap.

Another map set in - where else - London! But it's a two-point attack 'n' defend CP map this time, and it's located in the heart of the city rather than in the suburbs (and it took a week or so to draft out instead of the four bloody years I needed for Wimbledon). Includes custom assets, custom music, and custom low-effort placeholders. Feedback for the following areas appreciated as always:
- Layout
- SIze (possibly underscaled?)
- Theme (would the first point and its environs be better off as a more inherently urban environment, or would the implied industrial setting require less assets/have a better sense of progression from A-B? Maybe it needs three points instead?)​
cp_ludgate_a10016.jpg cp_ludgate_a10005.jpg cp_ludgate_a10008.jpg cp_ludgate_a10009.jpg cp_ludgate_a10004.jpg
First release
Last update
Attack/Defense CP

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