
Past 72hr Jam Entry koth_tugawar A8C

Reverted change in A2 where when capped the train moves to enemy's side.
----Explination for further feedback---
This change was originally done to see if doing so would allow for the enemy to more easily take the point back. This proved to not be the case since part of the gameplay element involves the train blocking a main route into mid therefor making it a battle to see who caps first. This also made it easier for the now defending team to defend since an advantage for the enemy team is no in control of the defending team.
The train now moves to capped teams side.
i.e. If red caps the point then it moves to red's side of the map.
Changed so train goes to opposite team's side when capped (may change in later versions)
Shortened map
Changed Health Packs Around
Fixed Buildings being destroyed by spawn door
Moved 4 spawn points to lower part of spawn
Raised Skybox