
koth_rockwell b7

very small changes this time,

-optimized it more for a smoother experience
-made a bigger 3d skybox
-made the doors in the middle from one way, to both ways.
Some new changes to my map:

-new name, firstmap sounds lame, so I changed it to "Rockwell"
-added a simple 3d skybox, just to make the environment more
-added another flank route to mid, this way attackers stand a better chance against defenders
-added tons of more details
-optmised the map a lot more
small changes to the map:

-added lots and lots of detail, displacements, textures, overlays and more.
-optimized it a lot, the map should now run much better and smoother.
Alright, some gameplay changes:

-The houses next to the point, nobody liked them, nobody used them like I thought people would use them, and basically everybody abused them.
They now only serve as decoration.
-displacement is now more smooth. Say goodbye to getting stuck on hills! (I hope).
-detail props now fade, this should improve the gameplay and fps.
-moved the stairs that took people up to the balcony into a house, which removes an annoying sightline.
Small gameply changes.

-remade the entire dirt floor, displacements are now present!
-added a little more detail, a few houses and props
-raised the midcap's platform and lowered the balconies surrounding the mid, reducing annoying sightlines.
Back again with a new update!

-added tons of detail and textures.
-replaced pickups so they are easier to find.
-added more small buildings for more detail.
-made the map overall bigger, so the map doesn't abruptly end when the gameplay space ends.
-remade the 2d skybox.
Finally moved it to beta.

-replaced pickups because people could not find any.
-textured and detailed some buildings. (mostly red's)
-clipped some edges
-gave the roofs team colors so it is more recognizable for both teams.
-clippped some edges.
-fixed overlays that indicated the teams on the wrong sides.
-added soundscapes to make the map a little more alive.
-added two more wooden ramps at the point to give some more height variation.
-gave the two houses above the point some extra brush work.
update version a3:

-removed very big sidelines wich basically caused sniper to dominate the map.
-added an extra flank route so the map has some more variety other then just being a box filled with houses.
-changed some textures.
-added some more pickups.
-made prop jumps more pleasant to walk on.
-Fixed some light and texture bugs.
-Removed some sightlines for snipers who could snipe into the enemy spawn from the mid.
-I put some more cover in the middle, and removed some cover on the point so attackers stand a better chance against defenders.
-Marked and expanded the capture zone of the point.