
Koth_mansionparty A4

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Koth_mansionparty A4

Brothers fighting over who will host the party at their mansion

King of the Hill
Brothers need you to capture the control point at the entrance to win the argument on who's turn it is to host the party.
A mansion oriented map with the control point outside. The map is large open area with a flanking interior and water works.
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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Latest updates

  1. Glorious Castle

    Alpha 4 Mansion King of the Kill, the brothers took to redesigning their mansion to a castle manor, more fitting for this scale and size. Major changes: Decreased player space, to ensure players encounter each other. Diluted player choice of...
  2. Mann Brother's Mansion Redone Interior

    This version has altered the Interior of the mansion significantly, and minor adjustments in the exterior. These alterations expand areas of interest and remove the multiple choice of paths to the objective point, resulting in a maze and confusion.
  3. The Grand Opening of the Mann Brother's Mansion

    This update is a build up over the original concept from the first alpha, where I've mostly, increased the verticality scale but also to address issues with the concept such as spawn area and the unbalanced sightlines which snipers would exploit...