
Koth_Logtory_B3 B3

Based on feedback and sugestions to improve optimization of the map, the sewer gate design (which previously allowed to see the control point from both spawns) has been reworked, cutting the uninteractable sightline, thus improving optimization.


Koth_logtory is nearing it's full release.

B2 changes:
  • Improved optimization
  • Lighting improvements
  • Other small fixes
After extensive bug fixes, layout adjustments and play tests, king of the hill lotgory has entered It's beta stage.

I acknowledge that many people who playtested the map said "map was too detailed for alpha", or "making big gameplay adjustments would be difficult". Since the map has had only 4 alpha versions, primarly focusing on fixing issues and seeing if map feels fine for koth, the area itself has had many playtests during pl_logtory development (which isn't finished), since this area is from that project repurposed into koth gamemode.

Koth Logtory is primarly a side project. The map might not be good, but I wanted to release something since pl_logtory has been in development hell for years.
Beta period will primarly focus on adjustments and optimization.

B1 changes:
  • Improved lighting
  • Improved clipping
  • Finished brush work
  • Meeting has begun.........
  • Improved clipping (based on player feedback)
  • Reduced time to cap (based on playtest and player feedback)
  • Improved lighting
Improved clipping (so players dont get stuck while moving)
Redesigned both team spawns
More lighting adjustments
-Fixed ressuplies in both spawns.
-Fixed death pit on Blu side.
-Made several adjustments to lighting in the map (indoors in particular).