Minor Changes: Moved some stairs on the point Moved some Healthpacks Added some Healthpacks and Ammo Changed some small Healthpacks into Medium ones Changed the roofs underside into brushes Added some playerclip on some doorways Added another light in the spawns Reduced the map brightness by a 100 Major Changes: Lowered the bridge height Made the point railway only accesible to jumping classes
Apparently, the gongs crash the server, so i replaced them with some lanterns. Nothing more unfortunately
Minor Changes: Fixed small RED Spawnroom Added some barriers in spawns Remade some stairs Reduced Brightness on some lights Optimized the skybox Major Changes: Changed some rocks into a building Added a death pit at one side of the map Redesigned mid
Minor changes: Added sign overlays at both spawns Added some roofs on the outside of the middle area Rotated some missaligned health and ammopacks overlays Changed some platforms into rocks Changed a bit of the lighting in the map Changed the amount of brightness of the altar Fixed a missaligned building Fixed a rock cliping trough a building Lowered height of all pickups Changed all the doorways into 2 types, 128hu and 256hu doorways Made some tables larger Made Spawn Rooms Taller hiding one door animation Major Changes: Changed a building into a displacement you can climb to by double jumping, rocket jumping etc. Changed light_env colors Made the sand less wide because its slippery and annoying Changed the bamboo model because it blocked rockets and pipes Changed the bridge models into one only brush-made bridge for sightline purposes Made the altar bulding less wide Added one more way to get on top of the bridge