
Koth_Campgrounds a6

-Made some buildings bigger

-İncreased the Height of the skybox

-expanded the highground door section

-added THE STİNK

Removed the shack with the medium health kit and ammopack and replaced it with a small healthkit and ammopack in the building near it

-fixed the error sign problems (hopefully)

-clipped off an overexploited part

-removed the clipping on the middle spawn cabin

-made the middle spawn cabins roof taller

-added an extra section to a cabin

-removed a medium health and ammopack in the cave area

-removed the cabins that you couldnt enter
-removed 2 spawnpoints because i want to test the map for competitive

-removed func_respawnroomvisualizer brushes on the highground doors

-made the logs on the point non solid

-put cover on the point

-increased timer length

-decreased point capture time

-added holes to some of the cabins to make them less sniper friendly
-added nobuild brushes to the waterfalls

-extended the cave area

- replaced the spawn with a more theme appropriate one

-fit the capture zone trigger inside the log benches to make it more logical

-removed the trees near the point

-replaced the tree models

-fixed a problem where players couldnt reach a certain health and ammopack without crouching

-removed the ammo pickups behind the waterfalls to make the area less engineer/sniper friendly
-added props!

-raised the height of the roofs of the cabins

-aligned brushes to the grid

-made doorway sizes more appropriate for gameplay

-added some more water to the main battleground area
Campgrounds update released!

-Reduced the maps size by 75%

-removed the clip brush that is ontop of the cave

-made the capture zone bigger

-made the borders of the capture zone visible

-added light to the dark room that is on the 2nd floor of the first cabin
did what the title says

mods please dont kill me uwu