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Kliffspire a7

So, It's been a while, eh?

- Made some walls into grate windows.
- Added walls in the sewers to make sniper less powerful.
- Added a third entrance and moved the medium health kit out of the way in the sewers.
- Added a full health kit on a wall.
- Added a medium ammo pack in the sewers.
Not too different from the last one, due to insufficient annotations caused by low player count.

- Fixed some inconsistencies on RED side.
- Added clipping above some structures to further annoy jumpers and make things consistant.
- Moved the sewer health kit to a more easily visible location.
- Removed the scream trigger on the jump pad due to scouts spamming it.
- Added small railings near the point to prevent a pyro winning the game by pressing m2 once. Now they have to press it twice.
- Introduced the Sewer Flank that starts in the team base and exits behind the point.
- Added walls to prevent some cheeky sticky jumping
- Turned the Low Flank into a drop. Only way you're leaving is through the jump pad or blast jumping.
Fixed the cap point, added a truck, some blood decals.