Jungle Airfield

Jungle Airfield version a6b

Of course I made the largest change to the map yet when hammer++ was down
-increases point capture time, A, B and C
-Increased blu spawn time when attacking last
-Disabled blu's forward spawn (maybe only for a single test, we'll see how it goes)
-opened up the area between blu spawn and the flank to B
-added block bullet to the catwalks on A
-the rotation tunnel now comes out behind B, also added cover for red onto the point area itself
-reduced the total cap area on A
-raised the ceiling in the rotation tunnel
-moved the hangar closer to the cliff wall, reducing the ability of blu to bypass A
-blu now receives time for capping the points (of course nobody mentioned this for six versions)
-added entrance for red at back of the hangar
-added a plane with a spinning prop and engine noise outside of C
-who even reads this
a few small fixes
minor changes, still need to make both A and C more defendable
Kansas > Nebraska
definitely didn't forget to enable the control points
might change C again