
jump_achlys final_fix

compilepal pack created 143mb map file because it packed every fucking texture and model used, so all of the default tf2 content got packed as well. set it to ignore any files from any vpk in tf/ and we now have a 67mb map file
-changed clipping on l4 to be less obstructive
- minor clipping/tele/texture issue fixes
- changed first spacing to make it no longer a rat 3pre low aa strafe wr
- fixed clipping issues on 2nd-3rd connector
- removed displacement collisions on 4th and 8th, but rockets still explode on them
- moved angled wood platforms on 5th up for double setup
- moved entrance to 7th-8th connector down so double is more reliable
- fixed missing soundscape for 4th - 6th
- added 3 bonuses, hidden in a secret room you unlock with 3 hidden buttons :3
- clipped another crate i forgot
- fixed cows
- buttons now have sound
- fixed some aggressively high teles on 4th
- manually clipped some props due to them not having working collisions
- redid j6-7 connector because it was too BLAND
- couple other small fixes i forget
- fixed console dying over spotlights
- added a fence to make out of bounds detail more obv
- detailed last
- added a bit more detailing to j6-7 and j7-8 connector
- added more detailing to 7th
- SOUNDSCAPES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUH! !!!!
- added a cubemaps for last
- detailed jump 7
- detailed connector from j6-7
- idr half of what else i did lol
- sadly water in connectors gone but at least that means water elsewhere actually works
- added platforms to j5-6 to make double strat easier
- made j6 deeper to signify Please Pogo On Walls PLEASE
- detailed j3-4 connector and made it higher ceiling, also detailed j3
- added playerclip ceiling to j3 to headbonk so you can start moving down faster