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Ivory a5a

Fight for Refined, Historical, National Park Hot-Spring Gravel

Trying to refresh my memory of mapping for PvP after a long MvM hiatus. koth_ivory is a King of the Hill map that takes place in a Yellowstone Park parody, where both teams duke it out to determine who will claim ownership after a failed bidding war of the Park's Gravel Hot-Springs.

Going to try and get this to rc, inspired by Lakeside, Pit of Death & Highpass for the layout.
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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  1. a5 was so bad I skipped it

    Trying to make it so it's easier to take the point now after an initial cap, so the match isn't so one sided. Hopefully my changes help. -Reworked the map's cliff-side flank by killing the divider building between mid & the flank. Now this...
  2. Less minor but still minor tweaks

    Minor tweaks since I couldn't really think of too much to do based on the established feedback so rather than a3's layout overhauls this is more just experimental layout changes to ensure the map has less hard-rolls after a mid capture. -Changed...
  3. Minor tweaks

    -Made mid brighter based on a3 feedback -Extended out 1 clip brush on both sides of the level as you could still stand on top of a piece of angled geometry which was meant to be clipped off.