If I Was A Folkstar

If I Was A Folkstar A4

I have made these changes:
Reworked the set piece greatly to be more accessible from the center while providing tactical advantages to approaching on the left or right side.
Reworked the left-hand route so that it no longer leads directly onto the point, but rather a highly defensible position that oversees your team's entire side.
Added a new pair of death pits because why not?
Added a new route onto the right-hand height
Reworked the spawn room lighting to better illuminate the exits, because some big brain gamers kept going in the wrong doors.
Generally widened doors.
Swapped out environment light from Hydro to Badlands. This better serves the map's abundance of light concrete textures, in my opinion


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    A04 - Overview.jpg
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I have made these changes
Simplified layout by blocking off like a third of all doorways, sealing two extra side routes among others. I hope this does not make the approach a grid of rooms linked together at the same height.
Rebuilt tunnels under the point. Added new entrance nearer middle. Removed the ramps under the point. This should make capping feel safer
Added a number of details and textures for no reason
Rebuilt spawn rooms

I feel like I am approaching the point where this map is as good as it is going to get without running into the flaws intractable to its layout which are, as I see them, as follows.
First, the left and right routes are high, while the middle route is low. This makes it difficult to design a path from the middle to other areas without either becoming to constrictive or having a confusing mess of routes.
The second and more pressing problem is that there is little reason to take the middle route. Even if I reduced the route visually, there is little tactical advantage to being in the central area in front of the point, apart from a rock, some health, and the ability to more easily get somewhere else. Perhaps I add some ramps up from the middle, but at that point I might as well remove the tunnel under the point, move the height to the center, make it a mirror map and change it's name to Lakeside because I'm already taking some serious liberties with the general layout, especially since I've removed the undergound ramps onto the point. Still, even with the closer tunnel entrance, it feels like a waste of space, as they themselves have less tactical advantage without the ramp onto the point. Going through them to the other team's side deposits you out in the open with no easily accessible place to ambush the opposing team. I have considered adding a tunnel to the left building, though I felt it might be too confusing. As with the point ramp, such a thing might be acceptable if there were only one of them in an asymmetrical or mirrored map, as I have considered often.


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I have made these changes:
Reworked approach to give the attacking team greater advantage over overextending players
Enlarged spawn area
Removed small building attached to middle route exit
Remade displacements to be generally smoother
Improved optimization by raising height of buildings and adding large hint brushes across central area


  • A02 - Overview.jpg
    A02 - Overview.jpg
    339.4 KB · Views: 111
Same shit but directly uploaded to server